School of Prophets

Our Fervent Desire

We fervently desire to see every member in the Body of Christ provided with the necessary tools to mature in their call and propose as they understand it. We do not intend to dominate students, but we do desire the collective wisdom and sensitivity of God towards the Body of Christ
as evidenced by its participants. We do not seek to be an instrument of ecclesiastical restraint, diminishing in any way the students, church or
ministry's unique existence, but rather to enhance an individual's calling and vision, thus strengthening the Body of Christ.

The Structure

The School of Prophets is structured and organized to provide prophetic teaching designed to foster the growth of Apostles, Prophets and leaders or those that just desire to grow in this area in every facet. We possess the ability to:

Ordain Elders in the office of Apostle and Prophet and to carry on the work of the Apostolic and Prophetic

We are also structured to promote missionary work in all places, to organize churches and oversee their development, their local sovereignty, and to foster their independence.

Additionally, the School of Prophets is an outreach organization for ministries and churches that assists in training apostles, prophets, prophetic/apostolic ministries, budding prophets, and prophetic people. Our responsibility is to train and to be a source of accountability for
apostles and prophets under the authority of their pastors.  
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